
Shipyard Training Courses

18-May-2023 15:17 PM

Every individual working at a shipyard or aboard a ship in a harbor shall not perform any hazardous work until they have successfully completed an approved worksite safety and health course.

Shipyards have often dangerous working conditions if safety precautions have not been taken. The equipment should be handled properly by each worker. Fewer accidents will occur this way. To ensure Shipyard Safety, safety measures should be implemented and precautions are taken.

In our dynamic safety, we provide,

1. WSQ Apply Workplace Safety and Health in Shipyard (General Trade)

2. Supervise Marine Work for WSH (Formerly known as shipyard Safety supervisor course)

3. Shipyard Safety Instruction Course for Workers (Painter Trade)

4. Shipyard Safety Instruction Course for Workers (Hot-work Trade)

We provide the best quality training at the best prices.