
How to implement HACCP in food industry?

14-Oct-2021 17:24 PM

HACCP is a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point. This is used for food products and it is a systematic approach. This system follows Identifying hazards, controlling hazards, and monitoring critical control points, and verifying the HACCP plan is smart working.
      HACCP is a food-oriented, hazard analyzing manufacturing certificate. HACCP is based on 7 principles.  Based on these principles an Industry can develop the HACCP system
1. Conduct a hazard analysis.
2. Find critical control points.
3. It creates critical limits.
4. Organize monitoring procedures.
5. Creates corrective actions.
6. Organize verification procedures.
7. Organize record-keeping and documentation procedures.

Dynamic Safety consulting experts will help you to achieve the requirements of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points system in your organization.