
WSH Manager Responsibilities

14-Oct-2021 16:49 PM

WSH Manager

In Singapore, WSH Managers are regulated by the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Act regulations. WSH Managers are needed in Shipyards, factories in which building constructions, Engineering works, Oil & Gas and Chemical products, and all Manufacturing companies also carried out more than 100 employees.


  • Develop and execute health and safety plans in the workplace according to legal guidelines.
  • Prepare and enforce policies to establish a culture of health and safety.
  • Evaluate practices, procedures, and facilities to assess risk and adherence to the law.
  • Conduct training and presentations for health and safety matters and accident prevention.
  • Monitor compliance with policies and laws by inspecting employees and operations.
  • Inspect equipment and machinery to observe possible unsafe conditions.
  • Investigate accidents/incidents to discover causes and handle worker’s compensation claims.
  • Recommend solutions to issues, improvement opportunities, or new prevention measures.
  • Report on health and safety awareness, issues, and statistics.

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