
bizSAFE Certificate

14-Oct-2021 17:27 PM

bizSAFE is a five-level program it helps companies to build up their WSH capabilities so that they can achieve whole improvements in safety and health standards at the workplace. 

Level 1,2 & 4  is a training programme
Level 3 & 5 is an implementation process

Organizations in the bizSAFE community can proudly display the bizSAFE logo on their business collaterals (such as letterheads, name cards, etc.) as a reflection of their commitment to workplace safety. 

Benefits of getting a bizSAFE Certificate:

1. It Creates a safer and healthier work environment for all employees.                                           2. Improve the business competitive edge. 
3. Decrease the workplace Major accident and issues.

Dynamic Safety gives the best quality of service with experienced consultants to get a bizSAFE Certificate.