
Best bizSAFE Consultancy service in Singapore

14-Oct-2021 13:32 PM

Bizsafe is a 5-step program used to assist companies to build up their workplace safety and health capabilities.
This certificate is used by many companies, also used for 1 manpower holding companies.
Bizsafe levels 1 and 2 in the course. After finishing the 1 and 2 then move on to the next level, which is level 1 and 2 is non-renewable one.

level 1 is a half-day workshop, the company top management or CEO attend the course. After complete the workshop, the company is granted to biz safe level 1 status. Level 2 is a two-day workshop attend the top management related to risk management, after that the company is granted to level 2 status.

Dynamic Safety provides consultancy and assists training to your organization in achieving Risk Management (bizSAFE Level 3) or WSH Management System (bizSAFE Level STAR).