
Behaviour Based Safety Management System - BBS

23-Mar-2022 10:32 AM

A behavior-based safety (BBS) approach informs management and employees about the overall safety of the workplace through observations of employee behavior. Safety behavior is meant to be the focus of workers' attention throughout the day. BBS reduces employee accidents in an organization by improving employee safety.

What are the basic principles of observation?

Employers who implement BBS programs train observers (personnel trained in safety reviews on-site) to review other employees' behavior. In addition to observing safe and unsafe workplace behaviors, these observers note safe and unsafe work conditions. These observations are shared with the worker, and the worker receives feedback. It is encouraged to provide positive feedback. Providing employees with suggestions on how to perform their tasks in a safer manner enhances their awareness of their behavior. Observations and feedback are used to continually improve BBS, which is based on the ongoing exchange of feedback between employees and observers. Safety professionals then utilize the data collected to assess the BBS program.

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