
Awareness Basic First Aid Course

05-May-2023 10:55 AM

•          Before a certified emergency medical service is on the way, first aid awareness is an urgent medical aid provided to accident or ill victims. (Awareness Basic First Aid Course)

•          Recognize the value of first aid services at work

•          Be aware of any legal obligations and the bare minimum first aid requirements

•          Follow the right procedures while assisting someone who has been hurt in an accident or event.

•          Basic hygiene and infection control in first aid,

•          Incident assessment,

•          Primary survey,

•          Secondary assessment,

•          Recovery position, and dealing with an unresponsive casualty are among the roles and responsibilities of the first aider.

•          Resuscitation and CPR

•          Course Duration: 1 Day (8 hours)

•          Course Fee: $150.00 + GST

•          Dynamic Safety provides safety training courses at Affordable prices.